Last updated : Thursday, 27 June 2024
Essex Walking Football League
The Essex Walking Football League (EWFL) is a not-for-profit community-based organisation that promotes walking football in Essex. It was founded in 2016 and currently has over 40 clubs and 1,000 players.
Walking football is a variant of the more widely-recognised small-sided football format and it is aimed at keeping people of any age involved with football if, due to a lack of mobility or for other reasons, they are not able to run.

The rules of walking football are similar to those of five-a-side football, but with the following key differences:
- Players must keep both feet on the ground at all times.
- There is no tackling or physical contact.
- The game is played on a smaller pitch than a traditional football pitch.
- Each team has five players on the pitch at a time.
The EWFL has three divisions: Over 50s, Over 60s, and Over 65s. The season runs from September to April, with each team playing 10-12 games.

The EWFL also hosts a number of tournaments throughout the year, including a county cup and a national cup.
If you are interested in playing walking football in Essex, you can find more information on the EWFL website: