Last updated : Friday, 28 June 2024
Herefordshire Junior Football League
The Herefordshire Junior Football League (HJFL) is an amateur football league for boys and girls under the age of 18 in the English county of Herefordshire. It was founded in 1968 and currently has 1 team playing across 1 division.
Season 2022/23
The 2022/23 season is currently underway. The table is as follows:
- Hereford Pegasus Juniors U12
- Herefordshire Junior Football League Sponsored by Apprenticeships with HWGTA
- Herefordshire Jfl | League Details
- Ledbury Swifts FC - Very proud of the Swifts U8 Athletic team who have really enjoyed the Herefordshire JFL Futsal tournament over the last two months